It's Not just for me!

It's not ONLY FOR me or ABOUT me!

My Boys! These smiles!! The joy-filled life that they illustrate warms my heart to NO end!

One of my biggest roles in this life comes with the title "MOM"! As I raise them, I stay tuned in to the example I am setting for them. What do they see me do? How do they see me living, acting, loving and serving? What will they remember about me when they look back over their childhood?

These are questions I am constantly asking myself and stay in touch with. So when you hear me share about living my BEST life, being the strongest version of myself, loving and serving others, my boys are part of my deep rooted motivation.

They WILL have a mom who is healthy, fit, strong, joy-filled and one who honors this life and the one body God has given me! And in turn I pray they take what they see and apply it to their lives as they grow into the men God is creating them to be!

You see, as Moms, it's easy to try to convince ourselves that we are meant to be last because of our children but I strongly disagree! I believe our children need to see us putting ourselves as a priority and taking care of the temple God gave us! If we don't, and we sacrifice our health and wellness FOR them...we are actually creating a downhill spiral of a very unhealthy mindset and example! Not to mention, risking the chance to be fully present in all areas of life as we raise them. To be fully present we need energy, health, fitness and wellness, wouldn't you agree?

I challenge you to reflect! Are you in a season where you have been sacrificing yourself for you children? And if you are saying yes, have I made you stop and think that maybe, just maybe, it's time to reverse the script?

TODAY is the Day! IT is the LAST CALL to grab your spot for my FASTer Way 6 week experience! Today Day 1 of Prep Week and can be your Day 1 to beginning a journey of being your BEST, Healthiest YOU!!! It's not too late to grab a spot! I am here to help you change your mindset, put yourself on the priority list and do it not ONLY for yourself but FOR your children!

If you are ready to become a priority on your list of people you take care of, don't wait! Let's link arms together to reach new goals and be your BEST in 2021!

You deserve to live a full and healthy life and your children deserve it too! You aren't alone, I've got your back!!

Every step you take is Progress & It Matters!

